For release 10:00am 8 September 2017
Press Contact: Mr. Friesen
Columbine Senate
6201 South Pierce St.
Littleton, CO 80123
Voice: 303-982-4400
Fax: 303-982-4400

CHS Homecoming Hypes up for 2017

Football Prepares to Celebrate a Win Over Bear Creek

Leading up to homecoming, Columbine students have a spirit week. Spirit week itself is the 5 days before a homecoming dance and football game. On these days students have the option to follow certain themes to show their spirit. However, these themes are only announced 1 week prior to spirit week. At the end of each day the school rewards students who showed the most spirit throughout the day which creates friendly competition. Since the homecoming dance is on a Saturday, This makes the days Monday through Friday the days of spirit week. For those who do not want to participate in showing spirit, there is no penalty and they just go about their day as normal.

The football game is one of the most attended games of the year. It’s usually a game against one of Columbine’s rivals. Students attend this football game to show their built up spirit throughout spirit week as they root for their team. The more people the better when cheering a team because it motivates them. If one is going to attend, they should arrive early because if he/she arrives later, there is no guarantee of a good spot to view the game. The rivalry between the schools makes the winning team evidently have more fun at the dance. There is more to celebrate about and gives another reason to attend the dance.

The homecoming dance itself is memorable. Whether you are going alone, with a date, or with friends, it is a great spot to socialize with other people. They provide some drinks for everybody because it gets pretty hot quickly because of all the dancing. It is known, however, that the dance itself is very inappropriate. Some describe the homecoming dance as a “grind fest” which is unfortunately true to its name. The school tries its hardest to avoid this inappropriate dance but it is not possible due to the quantity of people that attend. The music during the dances is DJ’d fairly well and uses most of the popular songs at the time of the dance. The songs generally control the flow of the dances. For example, a slow song will create an opportunity for couples to slow dance, while a dance song, like cupid shuffle, changes the pattern of the dance. Students have chosen a Harry Potter