For Release at 10:00am on Friday, September 8, 2017
Press Contact:
CHS Senate
Mr. Friesen's Room
6201 South Pierce St.
Littleton, CO 80123
Work: 303-982-4400

Columbine High School Announces Annual Homecoming Week

Student Interest Grows 1000 Percent as Harry Potter Theme Week Begins

Homecoming is a dance celebrating the start of a new school year. Homecoming includes a dance, a homecoming bonfire, and spirit week.

The dance is soon after the start of a new school year, this year it starts on September 16th. Every student in this school can go. During the dance you dance to songs played by the DJ, you can give recommendations to the DJ. The dance is in the gymnasium in the school building. The purpose of the dance is to celebrate the start of a new school year.

Spirit week starts on september 11th and lasts till september 15th. Every student who goes to school is participating. Spirit week is the week before homecoming where they promote the homecoming dance and other events. Spirit week takes part all throughout the school during the designated week, September 11th through september 15th. The purpose of spirit week is to promote homecoming events.

On September 12th, during homecoming week, an event for the celebration of the new year includes the homecoming bonfire, which is between 8 and 10pm. Every student who goes to this school can participate if they want. During the bonfire students, especially couples, can sit and watch the huge fire and relax until the event is over. The bonfire is in the student parking lot upper section. The purpose of this event is to enjoy homecoming week. Click HERE to view all the events.