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Robotics B

ASSIGNMENT List for Tri 2                          TURN IT IN Folder          

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Students who enjoy Robotics B should also consider signing up for Networking, Cybersecurity, Computer Programming, Game Design, Game Programming

Some of the concepts we cover in this class include: sequencing, instructions, Arduino coding, code syntax, 3d CAD architecture and drawing, character modeling, the business and industry of robotics and IT-assisted industrial design, parts design, autonomous mode vs writing controls, machine language, 

RSD Pathways - Aerospace & Manufacturing, Architecture & Construction, STEM:  PreEngineering & Robotics, Computer Science & Information Technology (there are many options here, ask me!!)

Local Trade Schools & Certificate Programs

Helpful Tools

OnShapeAframe Mindcraft tutorial, 
AutoDesk AutoCAD


Print on the 3d Printer
How to AutoCAD book

Past Works